Healthy living with healthy recipes - Breakfast Chia Seed Pudding
Posted on February 22 2016

Its been a looooong time since I last wrote a post. My apologies. I was in Australia. However, I learnt some really amazing things whilst I was down there and I am so glad to be sharing it with all of you.
Australians eat at home ALOT!! Asians eat out ALOT!! I am not sure why this is the case, perhaps cause its more expensive for aussies to dine out and a lot cheaper for us. Because aussies dine in so much, they are a wealth of knowledge when it comes to food, especially healthy food. Since you all know I am now into healthier eating, I feel its time I start sharing my food and my recipes. The first recipe is this amazing chia seed breakfast pudding recipe i picked up from a friend whilst I was in Australia. Easiest thing to make with so few ingredients. Just a quick trip to your supermarket and you are good to go.
Before I break down the recipe for you, here are the benefits of chia seeds for your skin:
- Vitamin E - powerful antioxidant that combats inflammation and wrinkles. It keeps your skin supple, smooth, and soft.
- Omega 3 fats- combat acne, wrinkles, help promote smooth skin and also even keep your hair and nails healthy. There is more Omega 3 fats in 2 tablespoons of chia seeds than 4 ounces of salmon.
- Fibre - regulates you insulin, preventing surges and reduces acne, redness and lifeless skin
- Zinc - helps keep your skin looking taut and supple, while also combating inflammation. Also combats acne.
- Magnesium - Miracle Mineral!!! Magnesium helps increase your energy, which helps keep your blood flowing, helping to ensure your skin looks radiant, not pale and lifeless.
These benefit your skin and your overall immunity and health. This coupled with some berries, nuts and almond milk - what an amazing way to start your day!!
Overnight Breakfast Chia Seed Pudding - Serves 4 to 5
2 Cups Almond OR Coconut Milk
1/2 Cup Chia Seeds
1/2 Tbsp Vanilla Extract
1/4 Maple Syrup ( you can add less )
1/2 tsp cinnamon powder
- Whisk all the ingredients together until you notice small air bubble on the top.
- Pour the mixture into 4-5 individual ramekins or bowls.
- Refrigerate overnight or for at least 4 hours.
- Dust with cinnamon powder (this is just me trying to be bit fancy). Serve with almonds, walnuts and berries.
Brilliant start to your head. Super healthy. Low in sugar. High in all things good for you. AMAZING for your skin. Remember skincare is both caring inside and out.
1 comment
Looks great.