Starting the new year Happy and Healthy
Posted on January 04 2016

Its been awhile since I have written a blog post and you can blame that on the holidays. I spent a lot of time this December in lovely Khao Yai, 2 hours from Bangkok where I had a lot of time to think about what I want 2016 to be for me. Whilst I sat by the pool, surrounded by fields and mountains I felt that this was exactly what I wanted, I want to be surrounded by beautiful things and live a more holistic life. Holistic to the extent that the term would fit into the lifestyle of a young working woman living in a cosmopolitan city. I have chosen holistic mean beauty, beauty with a purpose, healthy eating and an environmentally conscious lifestyle. I have thought hard about this and I have come up with a few things I definitely want to incorporate into my life to achieve all this and here it goes...
1. 2016 will be the year of small challenges. The professional front aside, I want to challenge beauty myths and I also want to challenge myself to doing certain things I would not usually. My first challenge for the year starting tomorrow - 3 litres of water for 30 days. I will take a pictures occasionally and we can look at the results together. I would love for you guys to do it too :)
2. Eat less SUGAR. Sugar destroys the collagen bonds in our skin and causes wrinkles. Eating less sugary desserts will probably be easy, but its eating less hidden sugar and replacing that will be hard. The following foods are what I will be replacing and watching:
- Bread to be replaced with freshly baked bread from a good baker, preferably paleo bread
- No energy drinks especially red bull and instead have coconut water
- No chocolates, ice cream and lollies and instead low sugar fruits like berries and sugarless dark chocolate
- No more sauces. That stuff is full of sugar. Pepper, salt, fresh chillies instead
- No more cereals. This perhaps tops the list of bad stuff. Instead muesli, oats and raisins
3. Add more anti-oxidant foods to my diet:
- Papaya
- Berries
- Cacao
- Salmon
- Avocado
- Broccoli
- Nuts
- Green Tea
- Orange fruits like carrots etc
4. Beauty with a purpose. Whilst I already know my skincare products are made responsibly with no animal testing, made in lovely new zealand and even in recyclable and bio degradable packaging, I need to make sure my makeup is to. I am definitely lacking here and endeavour to look more into this. Also, Barack Obama has just signed up to ban microbeads production! Make the switch :)
5. Showing my readers how I use Olive and why I use it the way I do. Sharing reviews. Sharing articles. Sharing photos from New Zealand. Sharing more videos of our manufacturing. More giveaways. More new products. If you love our products, you will love our new SPF. Our famous Olive Oil to be featured on our site soon. Watch out. Lots happening :)
This year is going to be lots of fun and I cannot wait.